AL-TAFANI Jurnal Pengabdian <p>AL-TAFANI Jurnal Pengabdian merupakan jurnal yang dikelola oleh Fakultas Hukum Universitas Muslim Indonesia. Fokus menerbitkan artikel kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat bidang hukum, sosial, dedikasi dalam pengembangan&nbsp; sumberdaya manusia, peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat, memberikan pelayanan dan teknologi tepat guna dibidang sosial. Jurnal ini terbit secara berkala pada bulan Januari dan Juli setiap tahunnya secara tepat waktu. Artikel yang telah publish dapat didownload secara gratis, dibaca dan didesiminasikan serta sebagai rujukan ilmiah. Manuskrip disetor secara dalam jaringan penuh pada situs ini atau melalui surat eletronik (<em><strong>e-mail)</strong></em>. Sebelum memasukkan tulisan, penulis (author) diharapkan untuk melakukan pendaftaran akun (<em><strong>register</strong></em>) terlebih dahulu dan memastikan manuskrip telah sesuai gaya selingkung (<em><strong>download template</strong></em>) penulisan jurnal ini. Kini, bersama-sama kita hadir dengan dedikasi tinggi dan penuh cinta dalam membangun masyarakat, dengan pemanfaatan lembaga publikasi <strong>Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat</strong> ini.</p> en-US Tue, 12 Jan 2021 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 PENINGKATAN KAPASITAS PEMILIH PEMULA GUNA MEWUJUDKAN PEMILU YANG BERKUALITAS (SOSIALISASI PENTINGNYA PENGAWASAN PEMILU BAGI KARANG TARUNA DESA KAPITA) <p>General election (pemilu) is a system that have an important position and need a special attention to be held. Considering there are a lot of position or office on the government that have to be elected by general election. Referring to the propositions that have been discussed by the experts, if the election have not been done as the principles of the election management or the principle of the election, there will be an under quality of election results. Therefore with a say that general election are very crucial to running a government. On the application of the general election principles (luberjurdil), one of the manifestation are by the stronger system of the general election supervision which the institutionally become the authority of general election supervisory agency (Bawaslu). But with a consideration the limited number of the hands resources, it becomes very important to educate to increase and strengthening people's understanding. In which are, the managing team cboose the young people of Kapita village youth organization, Jeneponto region as the dedication partner. The educational method consisting of the understandable of the regulation or the legislation rules that have a connection with the general election or the violation of the general election, also the knowledge about the supervision of the people on the context of the eneral election. The legal basic for the criminal offence of the general election with the penalty, and the knowledge about people supervision when supervised and reporting every form of the violation of general election like money politic, out of the schedule campaign, and black campaign with a connection of hoax and instigation.</p> <p><strong>Abstrak</strong><br>Pemilihan umum (pemilu) merupakan suatu sistem yang memiliki kedudukan yang penting dan membutuhkan perhatian khusus terhadap penerapannya. Hal ini disebabkan banyaknya posisi atau jabatan penyelenggara pemerintahan yang ditentukan melalui pemilihan umum. Mengacu pada dalil-dalil yang dikemukakan oleh para ahli, bahwa jika pemilihan tidak dilakukan sebagaimana prinsip-prinsip penyelenggaran pemilu atau lebih dikenal dengan asas pemilu, maka akan menghasilkan hasil pemilu yang tidak berkualitas. Dengan demikian dapat dikatakan bahwa pemilihan umum sangat menentukan jalannya suatu pemerintahan.Dalam penerapan asas-asas pemilu (luberjurdil), salah satu perwujudannya adalah melalui penguatan sistem pengawasan pemilu yang secara kelembagaan menjadi kewenangan badan pengawas pemilu (Bawaslu). Namun dengan pertimbangan jumlah sdm yang terbatas, menjadi penting untuk memberikan edukasi guna meningkatkan dan menguatkan pemahaman masyarakat. Dalam hal ini, tim pelaksana memilih Pemuda Karang Taruna Desa Kapita, Kabupaten Jeneponto sebagai Mitra pengabdian. Metode Penyuluhan meliputi Pemahaman regulasi atau peraturan perundang- undangan yang berkaitan dengan Pemilu dan pealnggaran Pemilu, serta pengetahuan tentang pengawasan masyarakat dalam konteks pemilu. Materi Penyuluhan antara lain seputar Dasar hukum Pelaksanaan Pemilu, Dasar hukum bagi tindak Pidana Pemilu beserta sanksinya, dan Pengetahuan seputar Pengawasan masyarakat dalam mengawasi dan melaporkan bentuk-bentuk pelanggaran pemilu seperti <em>money politic, </em>kampanye di luar jadwal, dan <em>black campaign </em>yang menyangkut hoax (berita Bohong) dan sara.</p> Rizki Ramadani, Moch Andry Wikra Wardhana Mamonto Copyright (c) 2021 Rizki Ramadani, Andry W.W. Mamonto Tue, 20 Apr 2021 04:18:09 +0000 PENINGKATAN KESADARAN MEMAKAI HELM KEPADA PELAJAR MTS. MUHAMMADIYAH TOMBO – TOMBOLO GUNUNG SILANU JENEPONTO <p>There are so many students who wants to taste freedom in their youthful years, even with just a slightest mistake or with a biggest offend that they were making, their sense of responsibliies were lower and it become one of the problems. So many students refuse to walk to go by location into another location, Parents on this era tend to spoiled their children they gave them freedom to use motorcycles even though they are still underage or do not have a driver license. In jeneponto region especially, are one of the area where almost all of their citizens use motorcycles, and without using an SNI helmet. They are tend to ignore using any helmet at all. The students that are coming home from school using motorcycles are rarely using a helmet also. The socialization of The constitution Number. 22 of year 2009 about Traffics and Road Transportation were being held on MTs. Tombo-tombolo in Gunung Silanu, Jeneponto region, the function of the socialization were to become a connection of information for the students to law enforcement, so that they will be more obedient to the traffic rules, especially using a helmet when they are using motorcycles on the road.</p> Yuli Adha Hamzah, Arianty Anggraeny Mangarengi Copyright (c) 2021 AL-TAFANI Jurnal Pengabdian Thu, 22 Apr 2021 00:00:00 +0000 PELATIHAN PEMBINAAN HUKUM DALAM BENTUK PENDIDIKAN DAN PENGAJARAN TATA CARA STRUKTUR PENYUSUNAN ANATOMI KONTRAK DI BAWAH TANGAN <p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p> <p><em>There are two problems from the partner of this communit service, which are : There are a lot of people who conducting sale and purchase agreement without any contract, especially in Bonto Kassi Village,&nbsp; Gowa District, the citizens doesn’t know any format for a dispute resolution or the legal route that they should take when one of them is doing non-performance on contract. The purpose of this community service, is for our partner to have a knowledge about to what extent their knowledge of law about contract arrangement law, specifically agreement, the validity of an agreement, the abolition of an agreement, and dispute resolution. The partner of this program is to be expected to know the technique of underhand drafting contract. The method used for this community service is by training, using a lecture method, with a presentation mode, and then continued by a discussion, question and answer and then practicing it as the development for the citizens knowledge. This community service result are showing that the knowledge of the citizens about an agreement and the expertise on the process of making a contract. </em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords :</em></strong><em> Legal guidance, education, Lecturing, underhand contract.</em></p> Dian Eka Pusvita Azis, Sahban Sahban Copyright (c) 2021 AL-TAFANI Jurnal Pengabdian Thu, 22 Apr 2021 00:00:00 +0000 PENINGKATAN MOTIVASI DAN MINAT BELAJAR DALAM RANGKA PENINGKATAN MUTU PENDIDIKAN DI SD NEGERI 30 PADDINGING KABUPATEN TAKALAR <p>The interest to study have a huge impact in the study result with some interest someone will done something that pick their interest. Otherwise without any interest someone will never done anything. For example a child have an interest into art, so they will try to have a knowledge about art. If the child do not have or do not pick an interest and motivation into studying the children will do their task half heartedly, will not deliver it in time to the task, or even will&nbsp; not do the task at all. Teacher rarely gave any motivation to a student when they they’re teaching. This thing happened because the staggering amount of subject that the teacher have to teach, that’s why the teacher just gave the subject without even trying to raise the interest and motivation of the students. The method that being used on the training/counseling are the participation training method, which are involving the students/children as many as possible. The development program which is already being agreeable with the partnership of Tonasa village, Takalar region, are being conducted with a method as follow : counseling/training of the development program with the students/children. Designing the development method at school. Development training of interest and talent of teenager/children. Counseling and socialization of law into the society.</p> Mursyid Mursyid, Salmawati Salmawati Copyright (c) 2021 AL-TAFANI Jurnal Pengabdian Thu, 22 Apr 2021 00:00:00 +0000 PENINGKATAN KESADARAN HUKUM PELAJAR MTS MUHAMMADIYAH TOMBO-TOMBOLO TERHADAP PENYEBARAN HOAKS DI MEDIA SOSIAL <p>Hoax or fake news is actually a false information but being constructed as the truth in reality. One of the reason there’s a hoax it’s because to piqued the interest of the reader. Hoax that generate hate, fear and dispute are the thing that we have to fought together. That is why there’s a need for legal awareness about the danger of hoax especially on social media. The proposing team PkMD (now LPkM) have a partnership with MTs Muhammadiyah Tombo-tombolo students about hoax on social media, the less amount of law socialization about the impact of hoax spreading and how to prevent it. Also the emotional behavior of teenager or students that hard to control making hoax easily to spread without checking the fact first. Counseling method that being used are by socialization about the danger of hoax for people, the rule of law that controlling about the hoax spreads also advices to fight hoax. Implementation of the managing method are by self prepare so that we become wiser on social media, strengthening of Pancasila moral values, participate support the government from their effort to fighting hoax by actively attracting society to be more selective of choosing the news from the legit source. By this activity we wish the partner have the ability to gave an understanding of legal awareness about hoax spreading on social media also will actively helping the society by voicing about the importance of fighting hoax.</p> Farah Syah Reza, Andi Tenri Sapada Copyright (c) 2021 AL-TAFANI Jurnal Pengabdian Fri, 23 Apr 2021 00:00:00 +0000