Perlindungan Hukum terhadap Penangkapan dan Penahanan Tersangka dalam Perspektif Hak Asasi Manusia
This research was conducted to find out the form of the implementation of the rights of suspects at the level of investigation at the Wajo Regional Police Station, as well as what factors influence the implementation of the rights of the suspect at the investigation level of investigations at the Wajo Regional Police Station. This type of research was conducted in the Wajo district police jurisdiction, and data were obtained from in-depth observations, through interviews and then analyzing existing data. The results of the study were analyzed quantitatively by describing data and also using quantitative analysis with descriptive. Protection of Human Rights in the Judicial Act concerning the principles of quick and low-cost justice, the principle of non-discrimination, the principle of presumption of innocence, and guarantees of Human Rights for all Indonesian citizens under the 1945 Constitution. The results obtained by this article are: shows that the implementation of the rights of the suspect at the investigation level investigation at the Wajo Resort Police, in particular the right to obtain legal assistance, the right to be examined immediately, the right to provide information freely, and the right to be informed of his arrest and detention based on the principle of presumption of innocence, based on the results of the study, have been carried out although not optimal due to several factors, namely (1) the quality of investigative Human Resources is still low, the number of personnel is still lacking and is not balanced with the number of cases, investigators who are not professional and (2) the mental attitude of the investigator which is not good, and the level of awareness the law of society which is paternalism so that it causes resignation to law enforcement officers while supporting factors in the form of the increased budget allocated for the settlement of cases.
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