Government Supervision of TVI Express: Multi-Level Marketing Business
This study aims to determine the form of government supervision of TVI Express activities in Bone Regency. In addition, to analyze the role of the Government in responding to the business under the guise of MLM. This type of research is empirical legal research. The interview method was used to obtain research data, conducted by interviewing directly to informants related to the problems studied in this study. The data obtained in this study were then analyzed qualitatively. The results show that the Regional Government Bone Regency is still less responsive in handling public complaints against TVI Express. Furthermore, the Regional Government of Bone Regency did not take concrete steps to anticipate the increasing number of fraud victims from the activities of TVI Express in Bone Regency. Therefore, the Regional Government must take concrete steps and actions and be proactive in handling the existence of businesses under the guise of MLM and illegal companies. In addition, the Government and members of the House of Representatives establish a special Law on the Anti-Pyramid System or the Anti-Money Game System Law. With the existence of this particular law, it is hoped that it can be a means of preventing and eradicating business practices under the guise of MLM. So that in the future, there will be no more similar problems that arise in the community. In this case, the community was not deceived and suffered losses due to business activities under the guise of MLM and illegal companies in Bone Regency.
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