The Role of the Ulema Consultative Assembly in Government Policy Making in Aceh
This study aims to determine the considerations that the MPU has given in influencing the policies of the Aceh Government and Regency/Municipal Governments. In addition, to determine the MPU's obstacles in realizing its role to give these considerations. This research uses a socio-legal approach. The textual study method was used to obtain research data. The data obtained in this study were then analyzed qualitatively. The results show that the considerations that the MPU has given in influencing the policies of the Aceh Government and Regency/Municipal Governments, namely the participation of the MPU in the assistance team. In addition, the MPU provides considerations in discussing the Draft Qanun, both those related to Islamic Shari'a and those that are not directly related to Islamic Shari'a. Meanwhile, the MPU obstacles in the discussion of Qanun of Aceh or Qanun of Regency/Municipal are human resource factors and formal juridical factors. In addition, the MPU's involvement in the legislative process in the DPRA and DPRK has not been comprehensively regulated. In this case, the forum did not provide an optimal space for the MPU to provide considerations. Therefore, it is recommended that MPU better understand the positive legal context that applies in Indonesia. In addition, it is recommended that the Government harmonize the provisions on the establishment of Qanun of Aceh with Qanun of Aceh No. 2 of 2009 so that the MPU can maximize its role in giving consideration to regional policies.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Husni Jalil, Teuku Ahmad Yani, Andri Kurniawan

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